NSW School Holidays
St Albans NSW , AustraliaNSW School Holidays
NSW School Holidays
Come & support your local community organisations. A gold coin donation per adult entry is requested at the entrance in exchange for entry in the Stallholders Sample Basket raffle - with the proceeds collected by and going to a different Macdonald Valley community initiative each time. Throughout the year a variety of Macdonald Valley community […]
5.30pm cake and fizz followed by carols and more at 6.00
Come & support your local community organisations. A gold coin donation per adult entry is requested at the entrance in exchange for entry in the Stallholders Sample Basket raffle - with the proceeds collected by and going to a different Macdonald Valley community initiative each time. Throughout the year a variety of Macdonald Valley community […]
Working bee dates for 2025 are every second Saturday of the month. Please bring a plate to share for morning tea. Lunch is provided. Please bring tractors, excavators, brush cutters, chipping hoes, chainsaws and a sense of humour :)
The Macdonald Valley Association Committee Members meet 6 times per year, with standby dates scheduled for additional, or virtual meetings on a further 4 dates, as needed. Community members are always welcome to make submissions to these meetings, which should be addressed to secretary@macdonaldvalleyassociation.org.au no later than 7 days prior to the scheduled meeting. The […]
Come & support your local community organisations. A gold coin donation per adult entry is requested at the entrance in exchange for entry in the Stallholders Sample Basket raffle - with the proceeds collected by and going to a different Macdonald Valley community initiative each time. Throughout the year a variety of Macdonald Valley community […]
Working bee dates for 2025 are every second Saturday of the month. Please bring a plate to share for morning tea. Lunch is provided. Please bring tractors, excavators, brush cutters, chipping hoes, chainsaws and a sense of humour :)
Muster Dates will coincide with the Maitland Cattle sales - which are held on the third Saturday of each month. Remember that all stock owners must: Do online registering of all stock movements both on and off the Common If you are selling your stock directly off the Common, you have to use a Common […]
The Macdonald Valley Association Committee Members meet 6 times per year, with standby dates scheduled for additional, or virtual meetings on a further 4 dates, as needed. Community members are always welcome to make submissions to these meetings, which should be addressed to secretary@macdonaldvalleyassociation.org.au no later than 7 days prior to the scheduled meeting. The […]
The Macdonald Valley Association Committee Members meet 6 times per year, with standby dates scheduled for additional, or virtual meetings on a further 4 dates, as needed. Community members are always welcome to make submissions to these meetings, which should be addressed to secretary@macdonaldvalleyassociation.org.au no later than 7 days prior to the scheduled meeting. The […]
NSW School Holidays