MVA Trivia Night SOLD OUT
The Pickled Wombat Bulga Street, St AlbansThis is a TICKETED but Free Event
It is essential that you reconfirm via your booking email address in the week prior - SO LOOK OUT FOR THAT EMAIL & RESPOND ASAP
This is a TICKETED but Free Event
It is essential that you reconfirm via your booking email address in the week prior - SO LOOK OUT FOR THAT EMAIL & RESPOND ASAP
As part of our 3 day Strings at St Albans Workshop, between 30 and 40 players will present a stunning concert program to be held at the St Albans School of Arts Hall, 7 Upper Macdonald Road (just past the bridge turnoff), Saturday 25 May, from 6 – 7 pm.
Please welcome our guest hosts for the evening - the Vallance family.
Door opens 6pm
Dinner from 6.30pm
Game starts 7pm
$15 pp for a Light Dinner and the Game
Buy Drinks at Bar
Table groups of 8.
Please, if you can, list your group member names in Notes at the time of booking (plus any dietary needs) .
Smaller groups will be added together on arrival to make a table of 8.
Please book early to avoid disappointment.
The MVA has a committed membership and committee. The Committee meets regularly and works on a wide range of issues. It is essential work and without the Association, the environment and living heritage of the beautiful Macdonald Valley would not be adequately protected. We therefore encourage you, if you are not a Member already to […]
Come & support your local community organisations. A gold coin donation per adult entry is requested at the entrance in exchange for entry in the Stallholders Sample Basket raffle - with the proceeds collected by and going to a different Macdonald Valley community initiative each time. Throughout the year a variety of Macdonald Valley community […]
St Albans Common AGM
Church at 11am followed by BYO picnic plus chair. St Phillips church is on Higher Macdonald Rd
MVA Constitution Extract re AGMs: In addition to any other business which may be transacted at an annual general meeting, the business of an annual general meeting is to include the following: (a) to confirm the minutes of the last preceding annual general meeting and of any special general meeting held since that meeting, (b) […]
Its time for Trivia again! Things will be a bit different this time – with the game being contributed and run by the MVA, and bookings direct to our hosts The Pickled Wombat. $10 pp cover charge - includes a drink and the Game, then buy dinner & drinks at bar. Door opens 6.30 pm […]
All women welcome for lunch RSVP Sue Inman by 25th November please
The St Albans School of Arts Hall committee would like to invite interested parties to our annual general meeting whereby positions on the committee will be up for election. If you feel you have something to give back to the community by sitting on the hall committee please come along. Applications will be taken from […]